Deciding on Medicare coverage is very important because this can determine whether or not you get the coverage you need. That’s why when it comes to choosing between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplements, you need to make sure you’re aware of the coverage options with each.

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans do not supplement Original Medicare but rather serve as an alternative to Original Medicare. They provide the same coverage as Original Medicare but can also include additional benefits depending on the plan. These additional benefits can include:

  • Vision coverage
  • Hearing coverage
  • Dental coverage
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Meal delivery
  • Medical transportation
  • Adult daycare

Under Medicare Advantage, there are five plans available—Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plans, Private Fee-For-Service (PFFS) Plans, and Special Needs Plans (SNPs).

Each of these plans will, of course, provide the same coverage as Original Medicare, but some may also offer some of the additional benefits listed above. Some of these plans, such as HMOs, may also require you to receive your care within their provider networks. In contrast, Medicare Supplements can be used anywhere that accepts Medicare.

However, to enroll in Medicare Advantage, you must be enrolled in Original Medicare

Medicare Supplements

Do keep in mind that if you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you cannot be enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan. This is because Medicare Supplements are only meant to supplement Original Medicare coverage by covering costs that are not already covered. They are not meant to be used as standalone coverage plans. 

The costs they cover can include:

  • Coinsurance and hospital costs
  • First three pints of blood for a transfusion
  • Hospice coinsurance and copayments
  • Skilled nursing care facility coinsurance
  • Part A and B deductibles
  • Excess charges
  • Foreign travel emergency care

Unlike Medicare Advantage, where there are five plans available, there are ten supplement plans available. These plans are labeled as A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N, and they each provide their own specific coverage for the costs listed above. 

However, like Medicare Advantage, the only way you can enroll in a supplement plan is by being currently enrolled in Original Medicare.

Deciding on Coverage

There really is no right or wrong answer when it comes to determining which of these options provides the best coverage. This is because the best plan for you is determined by the type of coverage you need. If you’re not too concerned with getting extra benefits like dental or vision coverage but would like to have some other out-of-pocket costs covered, like coinsurance or copayments, then definitely consider a Medicare Supplement plan.

If you are the opposite and like some of the benefits that might be included with a Medicare Advantage plan, this might be the best option.

Regardless of the coverage you’re looking for, though, Game Changing Benefits can help you compare all your Medicare options so you can get a policy that fits all your exact needs. To learn more about your Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement options, reach out to us today at 972-331-1060​ and schedule a free consultation.