Advantage For Veterans
If you are a veteran who is seeking additional health care coverage, Medicare benefits may be right for you. More specifically, you may be interested in enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan. This is what veterans need to know about Medicare Advantage.
VA Benefits and Medicare
Veterans often have access to Veterans Affairs (VA) health care benefits, but they may also be interested in enrolling in Medicare coverage once they become eligible. Medicare and VA Benefits can be held at the same time, but the way veterans’ benefits interact with Medicare may be different compared to how other forms of insurance function. If you are currently receiving VA coverage and are considering enrolling in Medicare soon, this is what you need to know.
Enrolling In Medicare
If someone with VA benefits wishes to enroll in Medicare, they can do so by following the same steps as any other applicant. All they need to do is wait for an enrollment period to begin and submit the appropriate information to the Medicare agency. Upon acceptance of their application, they will be granted access to Medicare coverage.
Medicare Options For Veterans
People with VA benefits may find it more reasonable to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, rather than Original Medicare. Original Medicare offers a reasonable standard of benefits, but Advantage plans may offer additional flexibility that allow members to customize their health care based on their own needs. If you are not sure whether an Original or Advantage plan is best for you, consider speaking with a Medicare professional.
How Does Medicare Interact With VA Benefits
Medicare and VA benefits do not work simultaneously; therefore Medicare will not pay for any treatment you receive at a VA facility. The VA will also not pay for any of Medicare’s cost-sharing expenses, such as deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance. While it is not the rule, Medicare may pay for Medicare-covered services that the VA does not pay for in instances where the VA authorized services at a non-VA facility.